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Thursday, January 26, 2006

New name

I have decided to change the name of my business, from (Build Health and Wealth) to LINDALS, I was not real happy with the other name but had to come up with one on the fly, after thinking about it for a while now, LINDALS just rings a bell with me, of course it is derived from my name, Lynda, or Linda as most spell it, so the name feels right to me. It is a one liner, and of course it has my name in it, lol, I hope you all will like the change. I wanted a name that people could say without having to remember a bunce of words, and well kinda up there with the likes of Macys, Sears, and well you know all the one liners, and I think it sounds good too.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Links page is activated

Hello fellow business owners.

I have finely got the links web site done, it is now activated so you can leave your business url's in the comments area of my blog and a little info on the site, and I will move them over to the site. You can see your links by clicking on the business links on the right side of my blog. It may not be real fancy but it will get you some more exposure to your web sites. Please keep your info down to two lines, and your url on a third line. The site is mainly for your url's so we need to keep the info down, the name, or what kind of site will be good.
Thank You

Friday, May 27, 2005

What is a home based business?

Click here

Well, most people think of a home based business
as a means to get rich without having to work
just plug in a computer and away you go making
tons of money without any investment or time
spent on their part.

Now that may be well and good for all the scam
businesses out there as they can get in and get
out with tons of money by ripping people off.

However, to own a real home based business you
are going to have to work, yes I said work.
It takes INVESTMENT you are going to have to
invest your time, money and yourself into this
business just like you would a brick and mortar
traditional business.

You can NOT just plug in a few dollars sit back
and watch the money start rolling in, folks, that
is not how it works, and anyone who tells you
different is lying to you just to get your money.

1. Find out the rules about running a home business
in your area, do you need a license? A permit? A tax
2. What product do you want to sell?
Information, heath and wellness, novelties, merchandise,
find a product that you yourself will use and are excited
3. How much can you afford for the AUTOSHIP some only
have you spend $40 for the ground floor but to get into
the higher payouts you have to spend at least $100+ a month
on their products for your own use. (Be careful)
4. Get organized you will need to know your tax information
self tax, save recipes, deductions, keep records of utilities,
(phone,lights,heat etc.) office space, gas recipes, travel,
entertainment, promotions, advertising costs. Etc.. Keep
good books.
5. Advertising how much can you spend?
Yes, you will have to advertise your business, and that is
not cheap. Buying guaranteed hits to your site can cost up
to $350 for only 100 visits to your site. Leads can cost
just as much, but are a lot less most of the time, that is
if you want good solid leads, again be careful.
You could buy pay per click advertising, this is more
controllable for you, and can be as little as .01 a click,
again be careful.
You can go the FREE way and surf for clicks to your site, this
takes a lot of time, and remember, they are people just like
you trying to get hits to their sites, so they are not going
to be taking the time to really look at your sites. So this
means you will waste a lot of time, and get very few hits.
Writing good ads is a must as you need to get their attention
as you are competing with hundreds of thousands of other
people out there trying to get the attention of the same people
that you are.

So what does all this mean for you?
Be willing to work, do your research, be committed, use the
products that you are selling, know your markets, invest
your time, money, and self for at least 5 years (sometimes less).

DO NOT believe that the internet is a way to get rich quick, it
is NOT and if you believe it is you will just waste your time,
money, and sanity.

A home based business takes time, commitment, dedication, long
hours of reading, research, learning, and faith in yourself.