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Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Free Advertising for your business

Hello if you are trying to start up a new business, advertise an existing business then by adding a comment here and leaving some information about it with your link you are getting free advertising. Get excited about your business, tell folks a little about how you got started, is it going well? Are you having trouble? Are you getting frustrated? Then ask for help, someone who has been there before you just may have your answer.

I realize that most folks coming to this blog is just surfing for credits, but if you take the time to get excited about your business and share it with other's they too may get excited and pay you a visit. This site is for all of us who needs to get things going in life for ourselves and what a better way then to have a place to tell the world something about who we are and what we sell.

Come share your wisdom with the world, someone out there just may need the information that you are holding inside, it could help them get over a bump in the road. In life we need to learn to be grateful for what we have in the moment, to share that moment with other's and too give of ourselves so that the universe will give back to us what we have given. The rules of the universe are, what we give OUT comes back to US, so give good things, and in return you will get good things. NEVER think that you do NOT have something to share, your wisdom is NEEDED, your experience is NEEDED, Your ups your downs, everything you have been through, is NEEDED to help us see the obstacles that may be before us. If we close ourselves up, and do not share our lives, then do not blame anyone or the universe for what you do not get, as we all need to keep a open communication, by sharing what we know and do not know. Take the time to share with other's and you just may be surprised as to what you get in return.


At 4:24 PM, Blogger Chyrene Pendleton said...

"In life we need to learn to be grateful for what we have in the moment, to share that moment with other's and to give of ourselves so that the universe will give back to us what we have given. The rules of the universe are, what we give OUT comes back to US, so give good things, and in return you will get good things."

I agree with everything you said, which is about the universal Law of Attraction. Although I am surfing for credits, I enjoy reading the blogs also. Thank you for providing a great blog!

My business called, The Isle Of Light (, focuses on learning how to use this law in life and how to enhance one's spiritual growth. My radio talk show has many guests speaking about various spiritual topics and my blog focuses on how to manifest prosperity and abundance.

At 7:41 AM, Blogger Carl Starrett said...

After a year in business for myself, I can't imagine doing anything else. After 11 years of working for other lawyers, I finally opened my own practics a year ago. My website is and you can find my blog at

At 4:09 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Holistic Health Hut is an all natural department store. We try to carry a wide selection of products so there's something for everyone.

At 11:11 PM, Blogger Lynda Hartley said...

Michelle, welcome, I have put you in my business links page at Lindals this will give you more free advertising. Go see at:


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